
You can now donate to Hodan Somali Community online using a debit or credit card!


Donate With Peace of Mind
By clicking the donate button, you will be taken to our payment partner Stripe to complete your transaction. Hodan Somali Community does not store or keep your card details, and this website and the Stripe service are completely secure.

We accept credit or debit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, using Stripe.

You can also donate to us by direct bank transfer using the following details:

Bank: HSBC
Bank Account Name: Hodan Somali Community
Bank Account Number: 01407260
Sort Code: 40-05-08

Please note that, due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to accept donations by cash or cheque.

Any donation big or small counts and will be help.

Hodan has robust systems and a record of ensuring that every penny that is raised reaches its beneficiaries with minimum administrative or overhead costs. This is due to the unique way that the trustees run the organisation. It is the organisation’s founding principle and philosophy that every penny works hard to make a difference to the lives of the poor and disadvantaged. Therefore, we sincerely request you to contribute to this process and contribute to the sustainability of Hodan.